Cannery Store Feature: A Patio Necessity
Are you counting down the hours until the long weekend yet? By now, you’re probably focused on that one picture in your mind that symbolizes all the relaxing delights to come on the first warm long weekend of the year. If clouds and a traffic jam leap to mind instead, let me guide you in a little creative visualisation…
Picture this: A balmy, sun-drenched afternoon on a patio. A chaise lounge with pillows that actually stay in place. An iced beverage and your reading material of choice perched atop a rustic Buckstone fish table. To top it all off, the charming little table folds with the greatest of ease to enable your sun/shade-seeking relocations. Bliss!
Buckstone fish tables are available in assorted colours and retail at $34.95 at the Cannery Store.
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