Cannery Store Feature: Summer Night by Lantern Light

As the sun becomes a regular feature in our lives once again, lengthening our days delightfully, evenings become an event in their own right. While nightfall races you home on your winter commute, it now comes as a reward after a summer day spent outdoors. One TV show may slide seamlessly into the other in January, whereas dusk on a warm June evening takes place outdoors, ideally with a barbeque and a beverage, and lends itself particularly well to meandering conversations. Set the stage accordingly by illuminating your great outdoors with the glow of hanging lanterns. Fun, festive and above all flattering, these lanterns will add a touch of magic to your next summer fete – or just your average Thursday night.

Indaba frosted lanterns are available in assorted colours and retail for $17.95 at the Cannery store.

Posted by websitedev
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