Cannery A to Z: A is for Alevin

Baby alevin inside the Cannery’s Salmonids in the Classroom tank.

Today we begin a re-boot of The Cannery A to Z – our 2012 exhibit which explored a range of answers to frequently asked questions at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site, set to the tune of the alphabet. With this 2020 version, we hope to offer a peek at the Cannery’s exhibits, programs and stories, for those at home. And what better way to begin than a look at “Alevin”, the first stage of life for salmon, which is where our Cannery story begins. 

Imagine having your breakfast, lunch and dinner attached to your belly for a whole month! That’s what life is like for salmon in the alevin stage in their life cycle. They are at this stage when they hatch from their soft-shelled eggs, keeping their yolk sack attached so they can absorb that all-you-can eat buffet until they become silvery fry.

These young salmon are sensitive to light and would be hard to spot in the wild, where they would be hiding in the rocky bottom of rivers. To get a look at these super cute critters check out the Salmonids in the Classroom fish tank on display at the Cannery every December to March. Can’t wait to learn more about salmon? Download these fun and educational worksheets from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

Cannery team cleaning the Salmonids in the Classroom display tank at the Cannery during the winter months.
Posted by m.horita
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