Scrumptious Seafood: Smoked Salmon Cheesecake

Smoked salmon, cream cheese…they just go together, don’t they? Freshen up this classic combination by serving it not as a starter but as a dessert – in cheesecake form, no less! As featured in The Northern Echo, this recipe is guaranteed to turn heads at your next dinner party.

Serves six to eight


100g savoury biscuits

50g butter, melted

500g full-fat cream cheese

150g smoked salmon

½ cucumber

Sea salt

Freshly-ground black pepper


In a mixing bowl, crumble the biscuits and mix in the melted butter. Spoon the mixture into a 20cm spring-form cake or flan tin. Press down making an even base and then refrigerate for 30 minutes or more.

 Put the cheese and the smoked salmon into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Add a twist of pepper and maybe some salt but taste first and consider the taste of the biscuits with it. Spread the mixture on top of the biscuit layer and chill.

Slice the cucumber down the middle and scoop out the seeds. Slice lengthways into very thin strips. Place in a bowl and sprinkle on a few teaspoons of salt and mix. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, pour into a sieve, rinse under cold water to wash off the salt and allow to drain.

Serve the cucumber alongside portions of cheesecake with maybe a little extra smoked salmon to garnish.

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