What am I? Answer: A Coho!
The answer to last week’s mystery “What am I?”: It’s a Coho Salmon!
Want to know how to tell this species of salmon apart from all the others? Well for starters, the Coho’s tongue is black, and its gums are white. If you’re not able to get a good look inside this fish’s mouth, there are still a few ways to “spot” the difference. One is from its spots of course! The Coho salmon have round spots all along their backs, and even on the upper portion of their tails. Coho are also known as silver salmon because of their coloring. These fish have a greenish-blue back, and silver sides.
With a visit to the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site, not only can you learn all about the different species of salmon at our Fish Wall exhibit, but you can also check out our LIVE baby Coho! Currently, our Coho are at the alevin stage, but be sure to come by often, and watch them grow all the way to fry. The babies are on display in our lobby until late April or early May, at which time they will be released back into the wild.
Next week’s “What am I” mystery item:
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