Once Upon a Haunted Sea – now open!
The gates have “kraken” open to Once Upon a Haunted Sea! This year has brought special challenges to our public programs, and with visitor and staff safety top of mind, our annual Halloween event (which usually takes place over two weekends) has been re-booted and super-sized into a month-long installation from October 9 to November 8.
This year, there will be no creepy characters hiding among the hallways, so visitors will be able to explore the Haunted Sea at their leisure, and with physical distancing measures in place. Once again, the Cannery’s Herring Reduction Plant (which was active from the 1940’s to 1979, reducing herring and fish by-product into vitamin oil and fish meal) has been transformed into a colourful undersea experience. Upon closer inspection, you will find that each of the marine creatures have been created out of upcycled plastics and waste, similar to that which are haunting our oceans…
Visitors of all ages will enjoy learning about what is haunting our seas, and the everyday things we can do to be the heroes who save the ocean and the life within it from the monsters of plastic.
For more details, visit our Events page here.
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