The Mysterious Case of the Haunted Cannery!
Submitted by: Larissa F, Heritage Interpreter
This past Saturday marked the beginning of two consecutive weekends during which we’ll be celebrating Halloween at the Cannery, and we are off to a great start! The museum has been transformed into a dark, scary and bat-infested (not real bats, don’t worry!) setting for our main event, The Case of the Haunted Cannery which saw the Cannery to come to life with the ‘ghosts’ of Cannery workers (did you pick up on the oxymoron here?). For this event, you as a visitor are tasked with taking on the role of a paranormal investigator and interviewing the ghosts around the Cannery to look for clues that answer the question: Who is haunting the Cannery and why? This is a family-friendly event and this past weekend, we had our first group of  ‘investigators’ brave the museum to solve the mystery. There was some intense interrogating going on, with the paranormal investigators moving from one pallid-faced ghost to another, clipboard and pen at the ready.
The mysterious case of our haunted Cannery has yet to be solved, so if you didn’t get a chance to stop by this weekend to become a paranormal investigator, not to worry – the event continues next weekend as well! (Oct. 29-30) While you’re here, be sure to check out the other family-friendly activities, such as the “Fish or Trick” card game for the youngest members of your family, or the ‘haunted’ Boiler House Theatre for the 16+ crowd — only for those who are brave enough to enter!
The ‘haunted’ halls of the 122-year old cannery awaits – come put your investigative skills to the test and help us solve this mysterious case!
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