Waste Reduction Week in Canada October 19-25
For Once Upon a Haunted Sea (October 9 to November 8), we’re thinking about waste reduction and how to keep our oceans free of plastic. Many have heard of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) – but during this week’s Waste Reduction Week, people across the country will be focused on the first “R”: Reduction.
There is no question that reducing waste during a global pandemic is a challenge. These days we have no choice but to use more than usual things like plastic bags and disposable masks. That is what makes this year’s Waste Reduction Week the perfect time to start, or continue, to reduce waste.
Stretching the life of objects by buying second-hand, repairing instead of replacing, and sharing from the start (by using libraries and car-shares) are all ways to reduce waste.
The Waste Reduction Week website is packed with resources and each day has a unique theme (such as textiles, plastics, food waste and more) so you can learn how to take action.
Remember, even though this is a one-week event, there are opportunities to reduce waste year-round. What can YOU do?
Plan a visit to the family-friendly Once Upon a Haunted Sea, this year’s extended installation of the Cannery’s annual Halloween event, where you can explore an underwater world made of upcycled materials; see if you can recognize some of things re-purposed to create the colourful decorations and learn how to keep single-use plastics from polluting our oceans.
Once Upon a Haunted Sea is now open at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site, open daily 10am to 5pm until November 8th. Regular admission applies (Youth 17 and under, and Society members are free).
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