B.C. First Nations ask to suspend the early chinook salmon fishery

Chinook salmon, photo courtesy of BC Salmon Marketing Council.

Due to the decreasing number of chinook salmon in the Fraser River, the Union of  B.C.  Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) is calling upon the Federal government to suspend all non-aboriginal early chinook fisheries, as well as requesting a suspension of all First Nations fishing of Fraser River early chinook salmon.

The union’s vice president, Chief Bob Chamberlain, says all levels of  government, and particularly the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, must take  immediate and meaningful steps to protect early chinook runs.

He says ensuring the recovery and restoration of the stock is important to  the continued survival as indigenous peoples.

UBCIC president Grand Chief Stewart Phillip says the early chinook stocks  returning through the Fraser River and into the Nicola and Thompson systems have  seen drastic declines. [Read more].

This is the third consecutive year the group has requested a ban on early Chinook salmon fishing.

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