The plight of BC Salmon in the news

Photograph by: Arlen Redekop , PNG

For two days in a row, stories about the effects on BC’s salmon due to the unusually warm weather, have made top page news in the local Vancouver Sun newspaper.

The first article from the August 5 cover page describes in detail the effects of the record low river levels and warm water temperature on this year’s Fraser River sockeye run, and commercial fishery opening.

In today’s edition, we learn how the Seymour River coho and steelhead runs are in jeopardy, not only due to the effects of the warmer weather, but by also having their migration route being blocked by a significant rockslide of 50,000 cubic metres of granite. See the video describing the efforts to save the salmon run here: Saving salmon run on North Vancouver’s Seymour River

And finally, we move up the food chain with this article, also from today’s edition, about the significant impact of a lower salmon count on BC’s wildlife.

Although we all realize that nature must take its course, it would be great to have this cooler weather and rain a little more often for the rest of the summer.

Posted by m.horita
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