Why is the price of salmon soaring?
Once upon a time, sockeye salmon was cost merely 25 cents per pound. Today, fillets of sockeye are selling for more than $20 a pound in Vancouver. With a disastrous Fraser fishery four years ago and an increasing demand for the fish, prices are only soaring in B.C., leaving salmon lovers with very few options.
But why exactly is this species in such high demand? Wild salmon is not only high in protein but low in saturated fat content as well. It is easily digestible for all ages and high in antioxidants. Most importantly, sockeye is high in omega-3 fatty acids- a source of vital health benefits. These benefits include protecting heart health, reducing risk of sudden death from heart disease and may even reduce risk of certain cancers.

Unfortunately, with a sharp decline in salmon in the Fraser River, we may not be able to enjoy the deliciousness of sockeye and its health benefits in the near future. This is true for not only salmon, but for many species all across the world. This is a gentle reminder to please be more cautious and select sustainable choices.
Read more about the health and wellness benefits of salmon here.
To catch up on news about salmon fishing, click here.
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