Scrumptious Seafood: Christmas Eve Seafood for a Crowd

I had no idea that Italians had such a major multi-course seafood meal as a Christmas Eve tradition but it looks pretty delicious to me! I’m not ambitious enough to try all of these items but it might be fun to incorporate an item or two into holiday festivities whether you’re Italian or not! has lots of great suggestions, especially if you’re serving a large group of people:

How do you prepare a seafood menu for a crowd? It’s easy on other holidays to cook up a turkey or roast when you expect a large number of guests. But many seafood recipes don’t take well to advance preparation or large quantity cooking, particularly fried seafood dishes. That’s why I recommend planning a menu that avoids the kind of last minute cooking that will keep the hostess tied to her stove during the dinner. [Go to recipes]

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