Herstory Cafe presents B.C. SALTWATER WOMEN with Vickie Jensen
Ever dream of running away to sea? Most women don’t. In fact, only a remarkable few have opted for tough, uncommon jobs afloat. Salterwater Women at Work author Vickie Jensen details the lives of 110 feisty B.C. females. Their stories are gripping, dramatic, courageous, sometimes tragic, often humorous and always insightful.
- Talk & book signing: 7pm-8:30pm. (Free admission to the talk and open to the public). Limited seating.
- Dinner with the author: 5:30pm-7pm (optional & open to the public). Dinner reservation required at (604) 681-9321. Maximum 15 people for dinner. Food and beverages for purchase.
Guest Speaker Vickie Jensen has built her writing career around the importance of documenting and validating work. As editor of Westcoast Mariner magazine she travelled on coastal tugs, charter yachts, dredges, ferries and water taxis for nearly four years, interviewing skippers, crews and owners about maritime work. She is the author of Saltwater Women at Work and Working These Waters, and coauthor of the children’s book Build Your Own Underwater Robot and Other Wet Projects. Vickie has also written about Aboriginal culture and people for more than 30 years and wrote and published The Totem Poles of Stanley Park (2004).
For more info, visit herstorycafe.ca.
Herstory Cafe presents
B.C. SALTWATER WOMEN with Vickie Jensen
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Sylvia Hotel, 1154 Gilford St (on salty English Bay)
Free parking under the hotel
The Herstory Cafe is a get together where women’s history buffs can meet, hear a presentation and socialize.
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